on Saturday June,4th there were cooking competition in Briton English Education Lasinrang.
my class have to join in there.
ugh i was very confused, first we had to made DELICIOUS sandwich and must explained in front of the audience. And you know? My teacher told me to be leader of my team. whatta hell!-_-
i didn't have any idea.
at that time, i came very fast to my course and 1 friend of my team not came. i was very confused!
but show must go on, we had to make the best for our team.
this is our sandwich
finally our team got "THE MOST CREATIVE TEAM"
Amaziiiiiiiiiing!!!!! unbelieveble, we though that our team can't won. but....
aaaaaah so amazing! YEYEYEYEYYYY

this is our team(minus fadliah cz she took this photo) with our sandwich